
Лечение гайморита у детей без прокола. Как вылечить гайморит у ребенка быстро и без прокола?

Лечение гайморита у детей без прокола. Как вылечить гайморит у ребенка быстро и без прокола?
Введение лекарственного раствора в околоносовые пазухи при лечении синусита. Ямик процедура- единственный способ введения лекарственного препарата во все околоносовые пазухи без прокола!
Введение лекарственного препарата непосредственно в очаг воспаления, значительно расширяет возможности врача в проведении лекарственной терапии при лечении синуситов.
Возможно введение в околоносовые пазухи антибиотиков, антисептиков, муколитиков. При этом дозы вводимых препаратов могут быть снижены, в зависимости от ранее проведенных курсов антибиотиков. Это позволяет значительно снизить побочные эффекты для организма. Это особенно актуально при лечении детей, беременных женщин, женщин в период лактации.
Во время проведения процедуры происходит естественное восстановление дренажной функции соустий пазух и патологическое содержимое из пазух начинает выходить в полость носа. Уходит головная боль и заложенность носа.


Установка мостовидного зубного протеза, мост

Мостовидный протез не зря получил свое название. Тут все очевидно: он имеет опоры с двух сторон на 2 зуба и ряд искусственных зубов между ними. В качестве опор могут служить коронки или вкладки. В более редких случаях для съемных мостов используют специальные крючки-зацепы – кламмеры. Редко используют опору на 1 зуб. Один установленный мост позволит заместить функцию одного, двух и даже четырех зубов. Все зависит от расположения.

Обязательным условием для его установки является наличие крепких здоровых зубов, которые смогут стать опорой и выдерживать продолжительные жевательные нагрузки. Мы конечно не львы и не крокодилы, но все же кусаем с силой не в один десяток килограммов.

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Forging a KATANA out of Rusted Iron CHAIN

Well, This Katana took me too long to make and this was not easy to make it such perfect. Alot of People asked me to make Katana so i tried my best to make a perfect Katana Sword as i can.

Overall Sword Length: 35 Inches
Handle Length: 8 Inches
Blade Length: 26 Inches

All the Processes are below of making this beautiful KATANA:
It took me almost three days to hand forge an Iron Chain piece into a long Metal Strip and this was one of my hardest forging ever. I dont have a power hammer so i did all the forging with hands and turned a chain piece into an almost 33 — 34 inches long steel strip.
I started some rough grindings of long strip on my Belt sander and turned the strip into a Katana shaped long steel piece. I also hand sanded the edges with the help of file to remove almost all the roughness of the sword.
o. I made the Blood Groove with the help of rotary grinder.
o. The blade bevel was made by my professional angle grinder.
o. Hand Sanded the blade to remove roughness.
There is a professional way to harden a Katana and that is
Covering the whole sword in a Fire Clay (Insulation) Except the blade bevel.After that we put the sword into the fire and heat it to critical temperature. We use oil to Quench the heated sword in it. Now the Bevel is hard and the remaining sword is annealed. Tempering the blade is the best way to increase the Strength, Hardness and Toughness of the sword.
This piece is traditionally made by forging some copper or brass but we can also make it by casting these metals. And the purpose of hibaki is to hold the Sheath with the handle.
The Handle contains three parts.
o. GUARD: I made the guard by using a thick brass sheet, which is roundly turned into a beautiful metal piece that can show a partition between the handle and the remaining sword.
o. Spacer: This is the little metal piece which fits on tang and controls the fittings of the whole handle so nothing should vibrate in handle.
o. Wood: A nice piece of wood uses as a handle of the sword and that could be Wrapped by some soft (leather) strips.

Forging a KATANA out of Rusted Iron CHAIN

Always wear leather gloves while sanding knives. Always keep a First Aid Kit at your work place.

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Digital Dentures entirely in house

Digital Dentures entirely in house
— Dr. Cory Glenn
— For most practitioners, complete denture pose a serious dilemma. They are one of the most time consuming procedures when following traditional workflows, they have one of the highest lab bills, and yet, they are one of the lowest reimbursed procedures by dental insurance. Its no wonder many clinicians refer out this much needed service. That doesnt have to be the reality for dentists anymore. This webinar is going to demonstrate how to use 3d printing and the new Blue Sky Plan denture module to change the entire paradigm. You will learn the clinical steps to be able to deliver next day, 3d printed digital dentures in as little as 2 appointments for under $30 per arch.

About presenter:

Hi, my name is Cory Glenn. I’m a dentist, speaker, trainer and tech developer. I live in Winchester, TN where I practiced dentistry for 8 years. During that time, I became known as the “Dental MacGyver” for coming up with creative ways to deliver care more affordably and efficiently. However, in 2015, I developed APL leukemia and had to go on medical leave for treatment. After a year long battle, I made a near full recovery with exception of ongoing back issues that have kept me from being able to return to clinical practice. Now that I am a “dry fingered” dentist, I’ve shifted my focus entirely to teaching and development in the field of digital dentistry.

I am the VP of Technology for Blue Sky Bio, a leading implant and software company. I work with an awesome group of people and we are disrupting the dental field by using technology to make dentistry more affordable and efficient. I speak extensively on digital dentistry throughout the world and I also operate a training center in my hometown where I teach other dentists digital workflows and techniques.

Most importantly, I am husband to an amazing wife and daddy to 3 beautiful daughters. I’m an avid outdoorsman and I spend most of my free time either on the water or in the woods. I’m a musician (guitar and bass) and I also love cooking and photography.

Vídeo-aula: Facetas Pré Fabricadas em Resina Composta com Prof. José Carlos Garófalo


Nesta aula, o Prof. José Garófalo apresenta o sistema Componeer de facetas pré-fabricadas em resina composta. Uma alternativa inovadora para restaurações diretas em dentes anteriores.

#### O que é o iDent?
É a maior plataforma de educação odontológica do Brasil. Estamos tornando acessível o ensino de alto nível a todos os profissionais e estudantes. Acreditamos que qualquer dentista ou estudante, em qualquer lugar, pode transformar a sua vida e de seus pacientes, se tiver acesso ao conteúdo certo, na hora certa.

São mais de 700 cursos disponíveis. Você pode assistir, trocar experiências, fazer perguntas aos professores, emitir certificados, e muito mais. Tudo de um jeito fácil e rápido pelo site ou pelo app.

Milhares de dentistas de todo o Brasil já fazem parte. E aí, você vem com a gente?

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Clareamento combinado e fechamento de diastema em resina composta Vittra APS

Autores: Bruno Lippmann, Rafaella Ronchi Zinelli e Andreia Luiza Gabriel.

Observação: O caso clínico publicado é de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores. As técnicas nele contidas não exprimem, necessariamente, as condutas sugeridas por FGM Produtos Odontológicos.

Este vídeo demonstra um caso clínico onde a técnica de clareamento combinada foi empregada para melhoria estética do sorriso da paciente. Após o clareamento, resina composta foi utilizada para fechamento de diastema de linha média superior. Os materiais utilizados foram: clareador caseiro Whiteness Perfect, clareador de uso em consultório Whiteness HP Automixx e resina composta VITTRA APS