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Забирай набор «Абсолют» в Warface навсегда: bit.ly/WF_Zebra-0920


Поддержать канал: boosty.to/zyo или www.patreon.com/zyobr или yasobe.ru/na/zebra
Телеграм: t.me/rebryzebry
ВК: vk.com/rebryzebry
Дзен: zen.yandex.ru/zyobr
Инста: instagram.com/rebryzebry/
Колобок: www.kolobok.us

Оригинальное видео — youtu.be/fnE50OU9R78

Translation authorized by original content owner / Ролик переведен с разрешения правообладателя — goo.gl/YndLv2
Мерч — www.bunkerbranding.com

Музыка в начале — «Club Diver» by Kevin MacLeod from incompetech.com — youtu.be/MhsrR_uvJ7M
Музыка в рекламе — Epic Battle Speech и Big Hands by Silent Partner с www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Музыка в конце — MDK — youtu.be/2_t5Lm040Gw

ПОЛИГОН Оружие Победы

13 июня на ТК «Россия 2» вышел в эфир выпуск программы Полигон «Оружие Победы»,
Выпуск «Полигона» посвящен техническим характеристикам вооружения времен Великой Отечественной войны. Ведущий расскажет, на что способно оружие победы: винтовка Мосина, пистолет-пулемет Шпагина, противотанковое ружье и пулемет Дегтярева.

Compare Prosthetic Options for Full Mouth Dental Implants

Dental Technician, Luke S. Kahng, explains in a quick sit down the pros and cons for the various prosthetic options available for full arch implant restorations. Options explored include: hybrid bar acrylic, attachment retained removable zirconia, milled zirconia on a bar, chrome cobalt metal frame with ceramic overlay and LiSi Press crowns. Differences in hygiene, strength, and durability are discussed.

الحالات التي تحتاج ابتسامة هوليود المتحركة .. سناب اون سمايل ( Snap on smile )

سناب اون سمايل هي تركيبة متحركة غير مؤلمة وسهلة للحصول على ابتسامة جميلة بدون حقن ولا برد للأسنان الطبيعية وبدون ألم. فإن سناب اون سمايل تشبه العدسات اللاصقة في شكلها التجميلي و ليس لها تأثير سلبي على الأسنان الطبيعيه فهي اسرع و ءأمن وسيله لتجميل الاسنان
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الموقع الإلكتروني: www.starssmiledc.com/
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Immediate full arch restoration using the Straumann® Pro Arch treatment approach

Treating edentulous patients often remains a challenge when you look at the expectations and clinical limitations involved. Since every patient represents unique anatomical situations, one treatment solution may not fit all. At the Straumann Symposium within Europerio9 2018 Professor Polido, world-renowned speaker presented a patient-centered decision making process needs to be applied in order to achieve a predictable and successful outcomes while treating such patients.

Amerra 3D Medical Animation - GalaFLEX Technology by Galatea

Galateas GalaFLEX mesh is indicated for use as a transitory scaffold for soft tissue support and to repair, elevate and reinforce deficiencies where weakness or voids exist that require the addition of material to obtain the desired surgical outcome. This includes reinforcement of soft tissue in plastic and reconstructive surgery and general soft tissue reconstruction. GalaFLEX mesh is also indicated for the repair of fascial defects that require the addition of a reinforcing or bridging material to obtain the desired surgical result.

For more information about custom 3D animation, contact Amerra at www.amerra.com or 713-529-9776

NEW WAVE Surgical Technique 3D Animation

Mobile bearing total knee prosthesis anterior stabilized

Magnitude of flexion encountered

The New Wave mobile bearing total knee prosthesis was designed to reduce early mechanical complications. The posterior positioning of its single center of rotation ensures frontal and sagittal congruence from full extension to 140° of flexion and supports quadriceps activity during the early post-operative phase.

Prothèse fixe transvissée sur implant

Notre nouvelle clinique en Espagne à Barcelone:
CEIO: Centre Européen dImplantologie Orale

Présentation de la prothèse transvissée, solution alternative à la greffe osseuse.
Dans le cas dune réhabilitation complète du maxillaire supérieur: Lorsque le volume osseux est insuffisant dans les secteurs postérieurs du maxillaire supérieur il est nécessaire de faire une greffe ou un comblement des sinus. Il existe une alternative à ces greffe en posant les implants dans le secteur antérieur sur lesquels va être fixé une prothèse dite transvissée.


Faceta Direta em Incisivo Central Escurecido

Facetas diretas.
Neste vídeo apresentamos uma técnica para facetar um incisivo central escurecido, reproduzindo um dente clareado com região incisal bastante caracterizada. Para mascaramento do substrato escurecido foi utilizado uma fina camada de opacificador (Creative Color — Opaquer Pink da Cosmedent) seguido da aplicação das resinas de dentina. Para a caracterização incisal foi utilizada resina de alta translucidez e por fim uma camada de esmalte. Após a restauração foi realizado o acabamento e polimento.

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