How a Winchester 1873 works

The Model 1873 was one of the most successful Winchester rifles of its day, with Winchester marketing it as «The Gun that Won the West». Still an icon in the modern day, it was manufactured between 1873 and 1923. It was originally chambered for the .44-40 cartridge, which was the first centrefire cartridge and which became immensely popular. The 1873 was later produced in .38-40 and .32-20, all of which later became popular handgun cartridges of the day, allowing users to carry just one type of ammunition. The Model 1873 was produced in four variations: a 24-inch barrel rifle, a 20-inch barrel carbine, and a «musket»—which was aimed at military contracts and only made up less than 5% of production.(Musket was a term that, at the time, denoted a full length military-style stock, not to be confused with a true smoothbore musket). The standard rifle-length version was most popular in the 19th century, although Winchester would make rifles to order in any configuration the customer wished, including longer barrels or baby carbines with barrels as short as 12 inches, octagonal-shaped barrels, colour case hardened receivers and fancy engraving.

This video was made with the help of the game World of Guns: Gun Disassembly:

How a Bowling Alley Works

Here is an animation I did that shows how a bowling alley works. This particular design is taken mostly from Brunswicks pinsetter. The ball return is taken from AMFs Gripper ball lift. Please note that I wasnt going for an exact representation of a particular type of bowling alley. This was just to demonstrate the basic understanding of how it all works. I created the geometry in 3ds max and the animation was done in Cinema 4D. I then used After Effects to compile everything and to add sound effects etc.

Check out my website:


How a Glock Works

3D анимация, показывающая, как работает огнестрельное оружие Glock 19. Cinema 4D использовался для создания каждой отдельной детали, а также для анимации всего. Substance Painter использовался для создания основных текстур. Корона рендер был использован для рендеринга всего. Эта анимация заняла у меня более 500 часов. Пожалуйста, не загружайте и повторно загружайте на свой собственный канал.

Если вы хотите узнать больше о том, что вошло в этот проект, вы можете прочитать об этом на моем сайте:

Process of Fabricating Full Mouth Implant Restorations

What are the steps in creating a full mouth implant case? This video shows the processes used to create an upper zirconia arch and lower hybrid acrylic with titanium bar, and how they can match perfectly despite being made from different materials.

We show the bite block being made, the wax-ups being scanning into exocad, the design of the hybrid bar and zirconia arch, the milling of the zirconia and the final prosthetic outcome.

Compare Prosthetic Options for Full Mouth Dental Implants

Dental Technician, Luke S. Kahng, explains in a quick sit down the pros and cons for the various prosthetic options available for full arch implant restorations. Options explored include: hybrid bar acrylic, attachment retained removable zirconia, milled zirconia on a bar, chrome cobalt metal frame with ceramic overlay and LiSi Press crowns. Differences in hygiene, strength, and durability are discussed.

الحالات التي تحتاج ابتسامة هوليود المتحركة .. سناب اون سمايل ( Snap on smile )

سناب اون سمايل هي تركيبة متحركة غير مؤلمة وسهلة للحصول على ابتسامة جميلة بدون حقن ولا برد للأسنان الطبيعية وبدون ألم. فإن سناب اون سمايل تشبه العدسات اللاصقة في شكلها التجميلي و ليس لها تأثير سلبي على الأسنان الطبيعيه فهي اسرع و ءأمن وسيله لتجميل الاسنان
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