This craniectomy animation is for patient education, which shows how surgery is done to remove a part of your skull in order to relieve pressure in that area when your brain swells. A craniectomy is usually performed after a traumatic brain injury. Its also done to treat conditions that cause your brain to swell or bleed.
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The regions and lobes of the brain are identified along with some of the nerves and vessels. The basic functions of the cortex of each lobe are introduced along with principal sulci and gyri. The importance of the left hemisphere for language and the temporal lobe in memory are mentioned along with the concept of cortical localization. A classical frontal section is used to demonstrate gray and white matter along with the primary internal structures.
The Carriere® Motion™ Class III Appliance is used for Class III patients, to correct Class III at the beginning of treatment, before braces or aligners are placed. It shortens the overall orthodontic treatment time, and allows for patients to have less time in braces! It’s not just an appliance: it’s a new treatment paradigm. Imagine an appliance with remarkable results that gives you and your patients an option without surgery, extra-oral devices, or extractions.
Nesta aula, o Prof. José Garófalo apresenta o sistema Componeer de facetas pré-fabricadas em resina composta. Uma alternativa inovadora para restaurações diretas em dentes anteriores.
#### O que é o iDent?
É a maior plataforma de educação odontológica do Brasil. Estamos tornando acessível o ensino de alto nível a todos os profissionais e estudantes. Acreditamos que qualquer dentista ou estudante, em qualquer lugar, pode transformar a sua vida e de seus pacientes, se tiver acesso ao conteúdo certo, na hora certa.
São mais de 700 cursos disponíveis. Você pode assistir, trocar experiências, fazer perguntas aos professores, emitir certificados, e muito mais. Tudo de um jeito fácil e rápido pelo site ou pelo app.
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Dijital Gülüş Estetiği ile tedaviniz başlamadan gülüşünüzu görün! Sanita Saglık Grubu Kurucusu ve Medikal Direktöru Diş Hekimi Hasan S. Aydilek anlatıyor.