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Digital Dentures entirely in house

Digital Dentures entirely in house
— Dr. Cory Glenn
— For most practitioners, complete denture pose a serious dilemma. They are one of the most time consuming procedures when following traditional workflows, they have one of the highest lab bills, and yet, they are one of the lowest reimbursed procedures by dental insurance. Its no wonder many clinicians refer out this much needed service. That doesnt have to be the reality for dentists anymore. This webinar is going to demonstrate how to use 3d printing and the new Blue Sky Plan denture module to change the entire paradigm. You will learn the clinical steps to be able to deliver next day, 3d printed digital dentures in as little as 2 appointments for under $30 per arch.

About presenter:

Hi, my name is Cory Glenn. I’m a dentist, speaker, trainer and tech developer. I live in Winchester, TN where I practiced dentistry for 8 years. During that time, I became known as the “Dental MacGyver” for coming up with creative ways to deliver care more affordably and efficiently. However, in 2015, I developed APL leukemia and had to go on medical leave for treatment. After a year long battle, I made a near full recovery with exception of ongoing back issues that have kept me from being able to return to clinical practice. Now that I am a “dry fingered” dentist, I’ve shifted my focus entirely to teaching and development in the field of digital dentistry.

I am the VP of Technology for Blue Sky Bio, a leading implant and software company. I work with an awesome group of people and we are disrupting the dental field by using technology to make dentistry more affordable and efficient. I speak extensively on digital dentistry throughout the world and I also operate a training center in my hometown where I teach other dentists digital workflows and techniques.

Most importantly, I am husband to an amazing wife and daddy to 3 beautiful daughters. I’m an avid outdoorsman and I spend most of my free time either on the water or in the woods. I’m a musician (guitar and bass) and I also love cooking and photography.

Vídeo-aula: Facetas Pré Fabricadas em Resina Composta com Prof. José Carlos Garófalo


Nesta aula, o Prof. José Garófalo apresenta o sistema Componeer de facetas pré-fabricadas em resina composta. Uma alternativa inovadora para restaurações diretas em dentes anteriores.

#### O que é o iDent?
É a maior plataforma de educação odontológica do Brasil. Estamos tornando acessível o ensino de alto nível a todos os profissionais e estudantes. Acreditamos que qualquer dentista ou estudante, em qualquer lugar, pode transformar a sua vida e de seus pacientes, se tiver acesso ao conteúdo certo, na hora certa.

São mais de 700 cursos disponíveis. Você pode assistir, trocar experiências, fazer perguntas aos professores, emitir certificados, e muito mais. Tudo de um jeito fácil e rápido pelo site ou pelo app.

Milhares de dentistas de todo o Brasil já fazem parte. E aí, você vem com a gente?

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Restaurações estéticas e biologia - conteúdo da primeira live

Restaurações estéticas com resinas compostas possibilitam resultados incríveis para os pacientes, o que melhora as perspectivas do nosso consultório. Muito importante nesse processo é poder trabalhar sem necessidade de preparo na grande maioria dos casos, especialmente quando os dentes estão bem posicionados e não apresentam-se escurecidos. Nesta live discutimos a indicação e algumas técnicas de aplicação das resinas compostas, sempre buscando apresentar soluções conservadoras e biológicas para o nosso dia a dia…
Participe do nosso site e tenha uma experiência transformadora.

Ön Diş Kompozit Kaplama 22 No Doğrudan Teknik

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Değerli Diş Hekimi,
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#Diş #Hekimi #Bülent #Özçağatay 0 532 493 69 37

Dental Education: The Evolution of Implant Connections Feb 15, 2017

Originally Released Feb 15, 2017

For more info or to received 1 CDE credit go to: www.catapulteducation.com/courses/the-evolution-of-implant-connections


One of the most significant advancements in the implant industry in the past decade is the growing preference of the conical connection. For practitioners who started with external and internal hex implants, the benefits of conical connections might not be immediately obvious. This webinar is intended to help implant placing dentists understand its differences, as well as the clinical benefits of the available connections. While most dentists may still feel comfortable placing an internal hex implant, it is vital to understand and consider the benefits of a conical connection for your patients and practice.

In this ID InSession webinar, industry expert Dr. de Oliveira discusses his experience with various implant designs for ease of use, restorability and long-term success.


1. In-depth discussion of implant design features
2. Understanding how connection and platform type relate to implant longevity
3. Differences in the implant delivery for mounted and mount-free implants
4. Making implants more affordable for patients for a higher case acceptance


Dr. August de Oliveira graduated from the University of Washington dental school in 1997 and completed his General Practice Residency in Los Angeles in 1998. He has been lecturing on 3D technology since 2004 when he started as a CEREC Basic trainer. Since 2008, Dr. de Oliveira has been involved with the development of Implant Direct’s guided surgery and patient-specific offerings. He has written two books on implantology: Implants Made Easy and Guided Implantology Made Easy. Dr. de Oliveira lectures nationwide for Sirona on the Galileos Cone Beam system and Sirona Guided Implant Surgery, as well as teaches at the Implant Direct Educational Center in Las Vegas, NV.

Что надо знать пациенту перед процедурой отбеливания Philips ZOOM! (он же ZOOM-4) ?

Одно из самых популярных видов отбеливания зубов в клинике — Philips ZOOM! (ZOOM-4). Многие клиники покупают дешевые неоригинальные гели для отбеливания, работают устаревшими лампами предыдущих поколений ZOOM!, выдавая своим пациентам контрафакт за оригинал. Этот ролик поможет пациентам стоматологических клиник понять, что им сделают процедуру отбеливания именно оригинальным набором для отбеливания Philips ZOOM! (ZOOM-4), именно лампой ZOOM! Philips WhiteSpeed (ZOOM-4) и соблюдая все необходимые технологические этапы процедуры. Полезно всем, кто собрался сделать отбеливание зубов в стоматологической клинике!

Проверено на себе. Какие бывают импланты и как из выбирают. Разговор с Игорем Сумлинским

Игорь Сумлинский подробно объясняет чем одни импланты отличаются от других, как их выбирать, как новый зуб подгоняют под кость и десну, как наращивают кость, если вкручивать имплант некуда.