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Straumann® Mini Implant System Step by Step

Mini Implant. Maximum trust.

Smiling, laughing and eating naturally add to a quality of life that every edentulous patient would love to main­tain. Now you can provide edentulous patients presenting reduced horizontal bone availability with a less invasive*, immediate removable fixation of their overdenture.

Dental Implants by MIS - Matrix Surgery Guide (3D Animation Dental Tutorial)

The comprehensive technological innovations and tools that MIS offers for digitally guided surgery span the entire process of implant dentistry and restoration.

MCENTERs offer the dentist a one-stop shop and one source for accurate and all-encompassing digital planning, one source for the surgical template and associated surgical sets and one source for CAD/CAM solutions as well.

The Digital Analog for a printed model is used in a fully digital procedure using intra-oral scanning, including virtual implant planning, placement and digital restoration printing. Designed with geometry which provides optimal precision, the analog ensures exact positioning in a 3D printed model. That leads to accurate restoration planning and simulation.

For more information on the MIS Dental Solutions ➜ arcreative.link/MIS_Dental_Solutions
Curious about medical device 3D animation? ➜ www.arcreative-media.com

Craniectomy procedural 3D animation

This craniectomy animation is for patient education, which shows how surgery is done to remove a part of your skull in order to relieve pressure in that area when your brain swells. A craniectomy is usually performed after a traumatic brain injury. Its also done to treat conditions that cause your brain to swell or bleed.

For more information about procedural, training or custom 3D animations, visit www.amerra.com/.

Introduction: Neuroanatomy Video Lab - Brain Dissections

The regions and lobes of the brain are identified along with some of the nerves and vessels. The basic functions of the cortex of each lobe are introduced along with principal sulci and gyri. The importance of the left hemisphere for language and the temporal lobe in memory are mentioned along with the concept of cortical localization. A classical frontal section is used to demonstrate gray and white matter along with the primary internal structures.

This is one of a series of 26 videos to be viewed in the suggested order or intermixed with other curricular materials. The entire series can be accessed here:

The videos may be downloaded in various formats by going here:

Password Request form for downloadable Neuroanatomy Brain Dissection videos here: library.med.utah.edu/neuro-exam/

Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Utah

Produced by
Derek Cowan

Meet The 24-Year-Old Whose Prosthetic Limbs Are Changing Lives

Guillermo Martinez 3D prints prosthetic arms for people in need. He has touched more lives than most do in a lifetime and he hasn’t turned 30 yet.

For more, visit:

22 Inventions That Are Saving The Earth | The Ultimate List
What Staring At A Screen All Day Is Doing To Your Brain And Body | The Human Body
Lifelike Medical Robot Actually Bleeds

— #Prosthetics #3DPrinting #TechInsider

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Meet The 24-Year-Old Whose Prosthetic Limbs Are Changing Lives

شاهدو كيف تغيرت حياة هذه الفتاة في دبي خلال 40 يوم

اشترك في قناة د.مجد ناجي الرسمية:

شاهدو كيف تغيرت حياة هذه الفتاة في دبي خلال 40 يوم | 2017
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أو يمكنكم الاتصال على عيادة ليبرتي لطب الأسنان — دبي — الجميرا — 3955009 4 00971

Carriere® Motion™ Appliance for Class III Correction - Patient Education Animation

The Carriere® Motion™ Class III Appliance is used for Class III patients, to correct Class III at the beginning of treatment, before braces or aligners are placed. It shortens the overall orthodontic treatment time, and allows for patients to have less time in braces! It’s not just an appliance: it’s a new treatment paradigm. Imagine an appliance with remarkable results that gives you and your patients an option without surgery, extra-oral devices, or extractions.

To order or learn more information on Carriere­ Motion­, please visit www.henryscheinortho.com/orthodontic-intraoral-products

Digital Dentures entirely in house

Digital Dentures entirely in house
— Dr. Cory Glenn
— For most practitioners, complete denture pose a serious dilemma. They are one of the most time consuming procedures when following traditional workflows, they have one of the highest lab bills, and yet, they are one of the lowest reimbursed procedures by dental insurance. Its no wonder many clinicians refer out this much needed service. That doesnt have to be the reality for dentists anymore. This webinar is going to demonstrate how to use 3d printing and the new Blue Sky Plan denture module to change the entire paradigm. You will learn the clinical steps to be able to deliver next day, 3d printed digital dentures in as little as 2 appointments for under $30 per arch.

About presenter:

Hi, my name is Cory Glenn. I’m a dentist, speaker, trainer and tech developer. I live in Winchester, TN where I practiced dentistry for 8 years. During that time, I became known as the “Dental MacGyver” for coming up with creative ways to deliver care more affordably and efficiently. However, in 2015, I developed APL leukemia and had to go on medical leave for treatment. After a year long battle, I made a near full recovery with exception of ongoing back issues that have kept me from being able to return to clinical practice. Now that I am a “dry fingered” dentist, I’ve shifted my focus entirely to teaching and development in the field of digital dentistry.

I am the VP of Technology for Blue Sky Bio, a leading implant and software company. I work with an awesome group of people and we are disrupting the dental field by using technology to make dentistry more affordable and efficient. I speak extensively on digital dentistry throughout the world and I also operate a training center in my hometown where I teach other dentists digital workflows and techniques.

Most importantly, I am husband to an amazing wife and daddy to 3 beautiful daughters. I’m an avid outdoorsman and I spend most of my free time either on the water or in the woods. I’m a musician (guitar and bass) and I also love cooking and photography.

Vídeo-aula: Facetas Pré Fabricadas em Resina Composta com Prof. José Carlos Garófalo


Nesta aula, o Prof. José Garófalo apresenta o sistema Componeer de facetas pré-fabricadas em resina composta. Uma alternativa inovadora para restaurações diretas em dentes anteriores.

#### O que é o iDent?
É a maior plataforma de educação odontológica do Brasil. Estamos tornando acessível o ensino de alto nível a todos os profissionais e estudantes. Acreditamos que qualquer dentista ou estudante, em qualquer lugar, pode transformar a sua vida e de seus pacientes, se tiver acesso ao conteúdo certo, na hora certa.

São mais de 700 cursos disponíveis. Você pode assistir, trocar experiências, fazer perguntas aos professores, emitir certificados, e muito mais. Tudo de um jeito fácil e rápido pelo site ou pelo app.

Milhares de dentistas de todo o Brasil já fazem parte. E aí, você vem com a gente?

Veja todos os cursos já disponíveis e comece:

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