This craniectomy animation is for patient education, which shows how surgery is done to remove a part of your skull in order to relieve pressure in that area when your brain swells. A craniectomy is usually performed after a traumatic brain injury. Its also done to treat conditions that cause your brain to swell or bleed.
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The S.T.A.T. tourniquet works like a zip tie. It has a built-in timer for medical professionals to track and a self-locking system that adjusts to the pressure needed. The company claims it can cease bleeding in 5-10 seconds.
Pediatric HAL is a medical robot that actually bleeds, cries, urinates and mimics other human behavior. Medical students use HAL to learn how to diagnose and treat illness before working with real patients. Pediatric HAL is part of a line of robots from a company called Gaumard. Gaumard also makes robots that simulate pregnant people, newborns, and trauma wounds.
The regions and lobes of the brain are identified along with some of the nerves and vessels. The basic functions of the cortex of each lobe are introduced along with principal sulci and gyri. The importance of the left hemisphere for language and the temporal lobe in memory are mentioned along with the concept of cortical localization. A classical frontal section is used to demonstrate gray and white matter along with the primary internal structures.
Braces are the most effective and comfortable way for correcting a bite. This is the only orthodontic system which allows for the movement of a tooth in any direction, including turning it axially.
In this video youll see how braces work. With the help of special glue, braces are attached to the surface of the teeth. Then orthodontists put on a special metal archwire, which is fixed with rubber bands or a special system.
The braces themselves dont correct the position of the teeth. This is done by the archwire. In order for the system to work successfully, the archwire has to be made more elastic.
The braces are glued to the teeth in the center of their crowns. Each tooth has its own «personal» brace. The principle of the system is that the archwire, in trying to return to its initial form, very slowly but surely pulls the teeth into the “right” place with the help of the braces stuck to their surface.
An orthodontist gradually makes the archwire more rigid to correct the position of the teeth. The replacement of the archwires should be done about once a month on average. In each case, depending on the type of brace system, replacing the archwires may have to be performed more or less frequently.
When braces and the arch are not enough to correct the bite, additional elements are also used: various springs of different diameters and purposes, elastic in the form of a chain, and other specific devices. All of these different elements of the braces system aim to give you a perfectly beautiful smile!
Esse vídeo ilustra a técnica passo a passo para confecção de pinos anatômicos. Os pinos anatômicos apresentam melhor biomecânica quando comparados com os pinos em fibra de vidro cimentados diretamente em boca.
Os pinos de fibra possibilitam resultados excelentes com restaurações diretas ou próteses. Entender a correta indicação em cada grupo de dente considerando a quantidade de remanescente coronário é fundamental para o sucesso do trabalho. Neste vídeo vamos discutir e detalhar as técnicas de utilização de pinos de fibra nos diferentes dentes, além de apresentar possibilidades clínicas, como por exemplo a execução de facetas diretas com pinos de fibra.
Veja no nosso blog o post «Pinos de fibra em dentes anteriores — dificuldade de centralização»
Curso on-line
Facetas Diretas: Transforme seu consultório
com Resinas Compostas.
Alcance resultados incríveis com resinas compostas de modo a surpreender seus pacientes. Nesse curso 100% online, você aprenderá a fazer facetas diretas lindíssimas, obtendo uma maior valorização do seu serviço e uma alta rentabilidade com estes procedimentos estéticos. Entenda a como construir uma marca baseado no poder da entrega de resultados extremamente naturais e no entendimento do potencial das facetas diretas.
Utilizando informações práticas, esquemas didáticos inéditos e vídeos com alta qualidade e definição vamos ensinar técnicas para fechamento de diastemas, sobrefacetas, aumentos incisais, uso de tintas e opacificadores em dentes escuros, reconstruções de dentes anteriores com pinos de fibra e resinas compostas, finalizações ortodônticas e muito mais. Com certeza este curso será a melhor experiência de aprendizado que você já vivenciou!